By forming an artists’ group and organizing exhibitions together, ARAKNE seeks to create mutual inspiration and guts to proceed. We are textile artists devoted to tapestry as an artistic medium.
We are part of a tradition rooted in ancient history. To emphasize this, we chose ARAKNE (Greek Arachne) to be the name of the group. The original ARAKNE was a young Greek girl with great reknown for her weaving. Unwisely she bragged that her work was without equal. Athena, who was believed by the Athenians to have invented weaving, was angered by this. She challenged ARAKNE to a weaving contest. Realizing that she had offended the goddess, the ashamed ARAKNE hanged herself. Athena, in pity, turned the young girl into a spider, an arachnid.
The story of ARAKNE and Athena has been viewed as a warning to those women or men who challenge sanctioned political systems. The ARAKNE tapestry group does not intend to challenge or offend our government. However, we would not mind if more attention were directed to our work. We have an interest in what is at stake in society today, both locally and globally, and focus on current themes and topics.
Also read the article by Thomas Cronenberg |
Vevkollegiet ARAKNE
v/ Anne-Kirsti Espenes
Saxenborg Allé 2.
7045 Trondheim, Norway
Phone: (+47) 73 51 53 35
Mobile: (+47) 995 80 417
Email: Contact the artists
org.nr. 993 541 087 |

The website is supported by Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond. |