Publisert 15.november 2021
Anne-Kirsti sin vevnad TWENY SHADES OF SILK (40 x 40 cm) gikk gjennom juryeringen til The British Tapestry Group sin nasjonale utstilling THREADS IN SHEDS.
Utstillingen vises i Whitchurch Silk Mill, Hampshire 11.09.21 - 21.11.21, og i Farfield Mill, Cumbria 05.01.22 - 27.03.22. Den kan sies å være en honnør til silke som materiale. Det var en forutsetning at de innsendte arbeidene (bokstavelig talt!) skulle ha innslag av silke.
Tittelen - Threads in Sheds - refererer både til sheds i betydningen skille i veven og sheds i betydningen historiske bygninger i England hvor vevingen fant sted.
Det er laget en katalog til utstillingen med bilder av alle de 36 arbeidene som ble antatt.
Anne-Kirsti sin vevnad er på forsiden!
Foto: Anne-Kirsti Espenes |
Her er hennes statement om TWENTY SHADES OF SILK som er gjengitt i katalogen:
I decided to weave what I call a mosaic tapestry. I chose two simple shapes to be the repetive pieces in my design. I chose twenty shades of silk to be the colour palette and weft for my tapestry.
I made sketches on paper to roughly find what I was heading for. Basic mathematics was needed to find the size of the bits that would fit my idea for a small, squared tapestry. I wove samples to calculate the number of passes needed to get the correct height for each shape. So, in terms of form, there was no room for improvisation.
Colour is important to me. I love blending. Weaving with four strands together, made it possible to make lots of different colour blends or tone combinations. I am driven by the excitement caused by addinbg a new blend to the previous mixture. I courd never have had somebody else to weave my tapestries. The sketch is just a guidance. Gradually, while weaving, I find that the work in progress is coming alive. I have an idea, but then the material has other ideas. I keep responding, and the work emerges from this process.
Foto: Jøran Wærdahl |